My name is Akshay sagar. I was born and raised in New Delhi . As this may come as a shock to some of you I am currently 19 years old. I love my family more than anything in the world. And if it wasn’t for the constant love and support of my amazing parents I would be nothing and wouldn’t have been able to do what I did .

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Ever since I was a little kid I have had this immense passion for cooking. But sadly as I got older my health began to decline and I began to have serious problems with my health but my love for food remained strong! But not for the better. I struggled and struggled with my problems and got constantly ridiculed and made fun of because of the weight/face. So one day I had enough. I was simply fed up with the ridicule, feeling sick, and unattractive. So I began eating healthy and learning more and more about health and started re-exploring my love for food. Yes believe it or not you can be a food lover and still be healthy! After a grueling and back breaking year and a half I managed to lose over 100 pounds. Now at the age of 19 I am healthy, fit, happy, and still have a love for food strong enough to part the seas.

Because of this huge transformation I went through, I thought to myself. Why not share with the rest of the world wholesome healthy foods and ways to be happy and healthy that will keep even the most snobby foodie asking for more? Well my answer was here, in this blog. So here you will be able to find loads of fun including healthy recipes to tantalize your taste buds or treat your family. You will catch the latest health and fitness news, learn new things about health and living healthy, or nourish your body for whatever your goal may be. Whether it be muscle building, toning, fat loss, or just trying to be healthier. I also am aware of those people who have certain things they can and cannot eat because they are physically unable to and I will address that on as many recipes as I can. Here you will also find recipes that are grain free, Paleo, gluten free, dairy free, sugar free etc.